US: HRC Mourns Angel Unique, Black Trans Woman Killed in Memphis, Tenn.

Sadly, 2020 has already seen at least 34 transgender or gender non-conforming people fatally shot or killed by other violent means, the majority of which were Black and Latinx transgender women. We say at least because too often these stories go unreported -- or misreported.

Argentina: Presentation of the bill for the comprehensive protection of sexual characteristics

This afternoon the bill for the "Comprehensive Protection of Sexual Characteristics" entered the National Chamber of Deputies, authored by the National Deputy Gabriela Estévez with the support of Intersex Justice, Abosex, the Intersex Plurinational Network and the LGTBIQ + League of the Provinces. The project is presented within the framework of the Intersex Visibility Weeks (October 26 - November 8).

Poland: What next with the Constitutional Tribunal Act on Abortion?

The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal tightening the abortion law has still not been published. Politicians connected with the ruling camp do not agree on the date of publication.

In supporting civil unions for same sex couples, Pope Francis is moving Catholics toward a more expansive understanding of family

Public support for civil unions from Pope Francis is not entirely new. When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, and again in a 2014 interview, he spoke about civil unions for same-sex couples. While the Vatican is right in saying that church doctrine remains the same, as a theologian who has been writing about Catholicism and family for over two decades, I see in the pope’s comments evidence that Catholic understanding of who counts as family is evolving.

Philippines: Filipino BL and GL creators, stars rally online behind SOGIE equality bill

As the SOGIE equality bill faced another day in Congress, stars of Boys’ Love (BL) series made their voices heard in support of the legislation.