Poland: Farmers cure Polish society of homophobia. Interview with Daniel Rycharski

We show that the divisions we have in mind created by the media and politicians about Polish society are untrue. These divisions are different. The "Family Care" project is a step in improving relationships. If it were held every year, for example 10 years, I think it would be a very big change.

Algeria: Mass Convictions for Homosexuality

An Algerian court on September 3, 2020 sentenced 2 men to prison terms and 42 others to suspended terms after mass arrests at what the police alleged was a “gay wedding,” Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should void the charges and release them immediately.

Brazil: National LGBTI Institutions Repudiate Brazil's Omission in Signing the LGBTI + Action Plan in Mercosur

The institutions that collectively sign this note come to the public to call the attention of the Brazilian LGBTI + population, as well as researchers, allies, legislators and members of the judiciary, executive and other areas of defense of human rights that BRAZIL REFUSED USE OF THE TERMS GENERAL IDENTITY, EXPRESSION OF GENDER AND HATE CRIMES against the LGBTI + population in the work plan discussed at a meeting at the Permanent Commission for LGBTI People with the highest human rights authorities in MERCOSUR diverging from countries such as Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay on the theme.

Nigeria: #EndSARS Crisis: Here’s how you can support LGBTIQ+ Nigerians

LGBTIQ+ Nigerians are suffering from violence and economic hardships triggered by the #EndSARS protests that have spread across the country. You can help bring them relief by making a donation to supply them with emergency food, shelter, and medical care.

Russia: Demonstration in support of LGBT activist Yulia Tsvetkova took place in The Hague

The international human rights organization Amnesty International Nederland and activists from five Dutch cities - Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen, Eindhoven and Nijmegen - organized a demonstration outside the Russian Embassy in The Hague in support of the artist and LGBT activist and feminist Julia Tsvetkova.