Sexual and Gender Minority Stress Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for LGBTQ Young Persons’ Mental Health and Well-Being Show all authors

Population-level increases in psychopathology and other negative mental health outcomes, including posttraumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and elevated substance use, are directly linked to large-scale disasters in the United States

In many Asian languages, 'LGBTQ' doesn't translate. Here's how some fill the gaps.

Many say it's hard to find accurate and affirming LGBTQ terms in their ancestral languages because existing words are often nonexistent, stereotypical or offensive. The globalizing influence of the internet and the fact that many Asian and Middle Eastern Americans continue to have connections abroad mean LGBTQ people on both continents continue to influence one another when it comes to language, culture and even politics.

Hungary: Why a Children's Book Is Becoming a Symbol of Resistance in Hungary’s Fight Over LGBT Rights

“Because of the current social situation in Hungary, there’s lots of hatred and frustration, and children are growing up in this atmosphere,” Dorottya Redai says. “We thought that it would be important to address children at an early age with issues of acceptance and diversity.”

UNAIDS issues guidance on reducing stigma and discrimination during COVID-19 responses

Drawing on 40 years of experience from the AIDS response, UNAIDS is issuing new guidance on how to reduce stigma and discrimination in the context of COVID-19. The guidance is based on the latest evidence on what works to reduce HIV-related stigma and discrimination and applies it to COVID-19.

IDG 2020: Working Group on Girls Town Hall

For International Day of the Girl, the Working Group on Girls is hosting a town hall meeting on Friday, October 9th, where girl activists, gender equity thought leaders, and United Nations representatives from around the world, come together to discuss progress and gaps around girls rights and articulate the possibilities for realizing gender equality for all girls.