South Africa: Beverley Ditsie: the woman who helped liberate lesbians everywhere

Growing up in 80s Soweto, Ditsie was immersed in the struggle against apartheid. But she knew racial oppression was only part of the fight – and organised the first Pride march in Africa

Initiative Sankofa d’Afrique de l’Ouest

An activist-led fund dedicated to strengthening and supporting a West African movement for gender diversity and sexual rights by adopting a flexible approach to grant-making and building a culture of philanthropy committed to equality and social justice.

Russia: Doctors urge to reject law prohibiting transgender people from marrying

Doctors working with transgender people sent a collective appeal to the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, as well as to the Committee on Family, Women and Children and the chairman of the lower chamber, Vyacheslav Volodin.

Hungary: According to Viktor Orbán, the West has lost its appeal "in our eyes"

Viktor Orbán gave a speech at the Together Memorial, announcing the end of the "hundred years of Trianon Hungarian loneliness", announcing that "our wider country, the ship of Europe, has just stalled, its position in world politics and world trade over the centuries has stumbled" and "it is experimenting with an ungodly cosmos, the rainbow of families, migration and open societies."

Hungary: Orban calls for central Europe to unite around Christian roots

Central European nations should unite to preserve their Christian roots as western Europe experiments with same-sex families, immigration and atheism, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Thursday.