Call for submissions: Women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights in situations of crisis

The Working Group on discrimination against women and girls will present a thematic report on women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in situations of crisis to the 47th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2021. The report will examine women’s and girls’ SRHR within an overarching framework of reasserting gender equality and countering roll-backs.

Pride Afrique 2020

Pride Afrique 2020 brings you three levels of storytelling: structural, relational, and personal. These three areas guide our choice of stories and events. We believe our stories cannot be one-dimensional as queer Africans.

Barbados: Parliament of Barbados adopts workplace protections for individuals of diverse sexual orientation

The Parliament of Barbados for adopted the Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Act 2020, which protects various categories of individuals from workplace discrimination, including those of diverse sexual orientation.

Barbados tells bosses it’s OK to fire trans workers without cause

The Barbados House of Assembly passed the Employment (Protection from Discrimination) Bill 2020 (EPD). Although noble in name, this piece of legislation actually entrenched the exclusion of trans people.

Poland: Statement of the Commissioner for Human Rights after the events of August 7 in Warsaw

As the Ombudsman, I observed with great concern the events that took place yesterday evening (August 7, 2020) in Krakowskie Przedmieście against people protesting in connection with the temporary arrest of an activist from the "Stop Bzdurom" group.

Thailand: Gender recognition bill set to be tabled

The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security will table its gender recognition bill for consideration by parliament in October amid concerns it will leave behind those who do not fall into designated categories, especially non-binary and intersex people.