Australia: Why does South Australia still have a ‘gay panic’ defence?

Despite boasting a progressive history on gay rights, South Australia is holding on to a legal defence described as discriminatory towards LGBTQI+ people. Draft legislation set to be introduced to Parliament soon might change that.

Haiti: Sexual harassment enters Haitian criminal law

The new Haitian penal code was published by decree in the official journal of the Republic "Le Moniteur" on June 24, 2020. If it only comes into force in 24 months, it nevertheless introduces many changes that we must keep an eye on. With this new legal instrument, sexual harassment as well as moral harassment make their entry into Haitian criminal legislation.

US: Over 200 human rights groups and experts denounce Pompeo's Unalienable Rights Commission report

The signatories, who include former State Department officials, said they rejected the findings of the draft report from the commission, which was unveiled two weeks ago. In remarks at a Philadelphia event marking the report's release, Pompeo argued against a "proliferation" of human rights, claiming that "more rights does not necessarily mean more justice."

Canada: HIV-negative men skeptical of U=U message

As research focused on the HIV treatment care cascade has illuminated, significant challenges remain in supporting all people living with HIV in reaching and maintaining an undetectable HIV status, thwarting both the individual and population-level benefits of this state of viral suppression

Chile: Sex workers and women living with HIV / AIDS denounce lack of sexual health care and absence of female condoms in the government box

Margen Foundation for Sex Workers and ICW Chilean Chapter of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, issued a statement calling on the Government of Chile to guarantee access to health, as well as access and use of the female condom at all times, including the delivery of HIV therapies multimes all people living with HIV, as recommended by UNAIDS.

US: HIV Testing and PrEP Use in Sexually Active Transgender People

Unique barriers and facilitators to HIV testing and PrEP uptake and adherence have been reported among transgender people. HIV testing rates among transgender people are inadequate given their risk for HIV, suggesting that culturally tailored programs are needed.