Temporary Basic Income to protect the world's poorest people could slow the surge in COVID-19 cases, says UNDP

The immediate introduction of a Temporary Basic Income for the world’s poorest people could slow the current surge in COVID-19 cases by enabling nearly three billion people to stay at home, according to a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report released today.

Haiti: Update from the authors of the new Penal Code

Following many criticisms and heated debates, Le Nouvelliste publishes below the defense produced by the former members of the Presidential Commission for the reform of justice. They are the authors of the new Penal Code. Masters Jean Joseph Exumé, Sibylle Théard Mevs, René Magloire, Jean Vandal, Williams Allonce, Florence Mathieu and Edwin Coq provide details on the context which gave birth to the code and on the text itself. This piece does not put an end to the exchanges but sheds a new light on them like any lawyer.

US: Administration’s Proposed HUD Rule Is Another Sign They Don’t Want Trans People to Feel Safe Anywhere

In this op-ed, Teen Vogue politics editor Lucy Diavolo assesses how the Trump administration’s proposed new rule for federally funded homeless shelters connects to their broader efforts to attack trans people more broadly.

New COVID-19 Law Lab to provide vital legal information and support for the global COVID-19 response

Launching today, the COVID-19 Law Lab initiative gathers and shares legal documents from over 190 countries across the world to help states establish and implement strong legal frameworks to manage the pandemic.

Armenia: A safe space for key populations in Armenia

Opened by the New Generation in June 2020 in the centre of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, the Safe Space occupies a three-storey building that gives people living with HIV, members of key populations and women who have suffered from domestic violence a safe refuge.

Albania misses the chance to clearly address intersex children’s health from a human rights perspective

In July 2020, the Albanian Ministry of Health released a “Medical Protocol for the Assessment of Children with Atypical Genital Development” (“Protokoll Mjekësorpër Vlerësimin E Fëmijëveme Zhvillim Gjenital Atipik”) as binding guidelines and a practical guide for health professionals.

Europe: Comprehensive sexuality education protects children and helps build a safer, inclusive society

Comprehensive sexuality education is part of a good quality education. Thus, it should be provided for by law, be mandatory and mainstreamed across the education system as of the early school years. It is of concern that, according to a 2018 survey, sexuality education was mandatory in only 11 out of the 22 Council of Europe member states reviewed.

As racist statues fall, anti-LGBT laws must go too

As we tear down racist statues, we must also purge our societies of colonial statutes that continue to enslave our people. Until we repeal all remaining colonially imposed anti-sodomy laws, the work to liberate black people will remain incomplete.