US: ACLU Sues University of Maryland Hospital for Turning away Transgender Man

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in federal court yesterday alleging that University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center turned away Jesse Hammons for a commonly performed medical care simply because he is transgender.

Ireland: Calls for sexual health clinics to reopen as COVID levels remain low

Activist groups and doctors have called for sexual health services to reopen across the country as Ireland emerges from lockdown. Upon the outbreak of COVID-19, many public sexual health clinics across the country have been closed entirely with few operating at a reduced capacity.

Australia: Calls for PM to drop Religious Discrimination Bill after US ruling

Australian LGBTIQ+ advocates are calling on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ditch the Religious Discrimination Bill, following the US Supreme Court ruling to protect against workplace discrimination based on sexuality and gender identity.

Wartime sexual violence a ‘psychological weapon’, sets back cause of peace

Sexual violence is used as a war tactic and a political tool to dehumanize, destabilize and forcibly displace populations across the globe, the UN’s expert on the issue told the Security Council on Friday, pressing countries to adopt a survivor-centred approach that ensures victims will not be forgotten.

Sexual Violence in Conflict

We meet today to find effective ways to turn commitments into compliance, and resolutions into results. We meet in the spirit of pursuing a survivor-centered approach, which ensures that survivors of wartime sexual violence will not be forgotten, even in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic that has captured the attention of the world.

Malaysia: Outcry as minister calls to arrest and ‘educate’ transgender people

Religious Affairs Minister Zulkifli Mohamad says he has given ‘full license’ to Islamic authorities to bring transgender people ‘back to the right path’. Activists criticize his words as ‘irresponsible’, saying they cast a further shadow on the new government’s human rights record

US: Transgender man sues University of Maryland hospital after it canceled his hysterectomy

“I felt like this hospital didn’t see any worth in my life and the care that I needed,” Hammons said. “The University of Maryland St. Joseph’s should be caring for all of Maryland’s residents. We shouldn’t be denied based on who we are.”

Russia: Survival strategies of homosexual and bisexual women and transgender persons in the North Caucasus

The following report presents the findings of a qualitative study conducted by activists of the Queer Women of North Caucasus Support Group Initiative. The findings describe survival strategies for homosexual, bisexual women and transgender persons in a sexually repressive culture.