ICJ ran a SOGIE Facebook Live Campaign for Pride Month

The ICJ hosted live interviews with human rights defenders from Asia, Africa and Latin America to mark Pride Month, which is celebrated during the month of June in various parts of the world

Injectable PrEP offers superior efficacy to oral PrEP in clinical trial

PrEP administered as an injection every eight weeks was more effective in preventing HIV than oral PrEP in gay and bisexual men and transgender women, researchers confirmed at the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual) today.

US: Supreme Court Rulings Expand Exemptions for Religious Employers

Justices further elevate the right of religious exercise and the role of sectarian institutions in American society, in two separate rulings

UK: Majority of women support trans people’s right to self-identify despite years of relentless transphobia

Despite years of negative news coverage relating to transgender rights and reformation of the Gender Recognition Act, a YouGov poll on behalf of PinkNews has found that most women are in favour of trans people self-identifying as a gender other than which they were assigned at birth.

Poland: LGBT rights at heart of Poland presidential-election fight

While campaigning for re-election ahead of Sunday’s final-round vote, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has used harmful rhetoric and called for policies that deny human rights to LGBT people. But longtime activists see Polish attitudes changing, and are pushing back.

UK: Open letter to Boris Johnson from the Media Industry, in support of the trans community

“We, as a collective of organisations from the media and entertainment industry, are writing to express our support of the trans community.”

Violation of the right to private life of a transsexual of male appearance whose request for gender reassignment was dismissed without reasons

In today’s Chamber judgment in the case of Y.T. v. Bulgaria (application no. 41701/16) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been: a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

France: On-demand PrEP is highly effective, but some may find it confusing

French study found that community sexual health counsellors often encountered confusion about the on-demand schedule and suggested a unified message about when to start and stop PrEP. Such an approach could be especially relevant as people change their sexual behaviour and PrEP use in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

Italy: Why Italy needs a law on homotransphobia

The Zan law proposes to insert sexual orientation and gender identity within the current legal framework on crimes and hate speech, intervening on the penal code. History of a 25-year debateThe Zan law proposes to insert sexual orientation and gender identity within the current legal framework on crimes and hate speech, intervening on the penal code. History of a 25-year debate