Report of the Independent Expert: Visit to Ukraine

Victor Madrigal-Borloz, assesses the implementation of existing national and international human rights standards to combat violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and gives a panoramic view of the human rights situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse persons in Ukraine.

Cameroon: Pierre Milla Assouté: “We must not legalize homosexuality"

Pierre Mila Assouté, former activist of the CPDM and today promoter of the RDMC party offers a reflection on homosexuality and thinks that it should not be legalized in Cameroon. This chronicle is part of current events in Gabon, where the parliament adopted a law decriminalizing homosexuality in the country of Ali Bongo.

Trans Inclusion in the Development Framework of Zimbabwe

A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships: at the global, regional, national and local levels built upon principles and values, and upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the centre.