UK: The debate over the coronavirus 'sex ban' proves once again that we're obsessed with romantic relationships

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact of all kinds of human relationships. Single people have lost the physical presence of their entire support network, yet nobody is talking about other relationships that are strained

UN experts condemn modern-day racial terror lynchings in US and call for systemic reform and justice

A group of independent UN rights experts today called on the United States Government to take decisive action to address systemic racism and racial bias in the country’s criminal justice system by launching independent investigations and ensuring accountability in all cases of excessive use of force by police. They also issued a statement regarding the nationwide protests against racial injustice.

OHCHR: Threshold test on hate speech now available in 32 languages

A "practical and useful tool" in the fight against incitement to hatred and violence has been translated in 32 languages.

Pride in a time of COVID-19 should embrace a wider solidarity

The coronavirus outbreak has been a time of regression for LGBTQI rights. June's Pride celebrations are a chance to reassert solidarity in the face of oppression and harassment. The #ShapePRIDE2020 hashtag is an opportunity to amplify Pride's reach.