US: Photos From the George Floyd Protests, City by City

Thousands have taken to the streets to express their anger over racism and police violence. Some of the demonstrations have turned violent, prompting the activation of the National Guard in at least 21 states.

Indonesia: Recent cases of persecution set back LGBT rights advocacy in Indonesia

The public's selective attention to LGBT rights issues, including politicians who have sought to use such issues to gain public support, has only compounded the struggles the community faces in Indonesia, the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has said.

Hungary: Transvanilla Association representing two trans applicants turns to the Constitutional Court

The amendment to the Act on Civil Registration Procedure, which outlaws legal gender recognition in Hungary comes into effect after being signed by János Áder, President of Hungary. The Constitutional Court remains the last option in the country to stop the government’s amok run.

Creating CARE and Sustaining Well-Being: Reflections from Queer Organizing across South & Southeast Asia

A collaborative endeavor by Rima Athar, Liy Yusof and Sonaksha Iyengar–this publication illustrates conversations & reflections on building a framework for action on holistic well-being for activists

UN: Report on conversion therapy

The term “therapy”, derived from the Greek, denotes “healing”. However, practices of “conversion therapy” are the very opposite: they are deeply harmful interventions that rely on the medically false idea that LGBT and other gender diverse persons are sick, inflicting severe pain and suffering, and resulting in long-lasting psychological and physical damage.