Turkey: What happened after the hateful khutbah of the Religious Affairs Administration of Turkey?

KAOS: We have compiled the developments that took place after the hateful khutbah of Religious Affairs Administration and intensified attacks against the fundamental rights of LGBTI+'s.

UN rights experts fear Uganda is using COVID-19 emergency powers to target LGBT people

UN experts are alarmed that Uganda could be using COVID-19 emergency laws to target gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and urged the government to strictly limit the use of emergency power to public health issues.

Japan: NGO offers same-sex 'partnership certificates' to address gaps in current provision

About 20 companies in Japan will start accepting “partnership certificates,” issued to same-sex couples by a nongovernmental organization, from July as a way of providing employees with spousal and familial benefits that are available to straight married couples, people familiar with the matter said Saturday.