UN: Targeted actions needed to protect LGBTI people amid pandemic – Bachelet

States need to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people do not face discrimination or fear retribution for seeking healthcare amid the COVID-19 crisis, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said Friday, as the UN Human Rights Office published a new guidance note for States and other stakeholders on COVID-19 and the human rights of LGBTI people.

Hate Crimes Against the LGBT Community in the Commonwealth

This report outlines the nature and extent of anti-LGBT hate crime and its impact on individuals and societies in the Commonwealth, explores trends across the Commonwealth and surveys regional and country-specific case examples.

UN: Poland urged not to criminalise sex education or tighten access to abortion

Poland must reject two bills before parliament one of which could be used to make sexuality education of children an offence punishable by jail and the other would further restrict access to safe and legal termination of pregnancy, say UN human rights experts*.

China: Same-sex couple go to court over child custody

A court in Zhoushan, East China's Zhejiang Province, has filed a child custody case of a same-sex couple, a controversial case because it is difficult to determine who is the children's mother as one of the women donated eggs while the other gave birth to the children.

LGBTQI Refugee Mental Health in Kenya - a Call to Action

We fiercely implore those in power and with resources to help, to step forward and up, to do what is right, and to make a difference for the LGBTQI refugees still here in Kenya. We are asking you to save the next life. We are begging you to not forget him. His name was Aneste Mweru. We mourn him. We fear for our own health and safety.