World of Politics

Iran gov’t approves bill to combat violence against women

The government of Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has approved a longstanding bill that aims to better protect women against domestic and other forms of violence. In a meeting on Sunday evening, cabinet ministers greenlit the draft bill, called Protection, Dignity and Security of Women Against Violence, which has been in the works since the administration of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

India: Rs 500-crore plan drawn up for welfare of transgenders

The ministry of social justice and empowerment has earmarked ₹500 crore – ₹ 100 crore per year – for the the welfare of transgenders which includes student scholarships, skilling programmes to provide livelihood opportunities, setting up of welfare homes and health initiatives, among other measures.

From Poland to South Korea: 9 abortion rights hotspots in 2021

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted abortions around the world, with lockdowns complicating access in some places, while other countries made it easier to get at-home medical abortions. But despite stay-at-home orders, the world's legislatures, courts and politicians have continued to make key decisions to expand or roll back rights.

Hungary: Ruling Parties Vote in 9th Constitutional Amendment

Lawmakers on Tuesday adopted the 9th amendment to Hungary’s constitution, stipulating that a mother is a woman and a father a man. The government-sponsored amendment passed with 134 votes in favour, 45 against and there were five abstentions.

Hungary amends constitution to redefine family, limits gay adoption

Hungary amended the definition of family in its constitution Tuesday to allow an effective ban on adoption by same-sex couples, another win for the ruling conservatives but decried by one pro-LGBTQ group as “a dark day for human rights”.

Update to the ILGA State Sponsored Homophobia report

Despite considerable progress in legal protection for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, 69 UN member States continue to criminalise consensual same-sex activity, ILGA World (The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) said today.