World of Politics

Trinidad and Tobago: Senate votes against protection orders among same-sex couples

A move to allow same-sex (LGBT) people to apply for protection orders under Domestic Violence law failed to receive the nod of the Senate yesterday, as only four Independent senators voted in favour of it, Government senators voted against, and Opposition senators abstained.

How globalisation has transformed the fight for LGBTQ+ rights

Much progress has been made in attitudes towards sexual equality and gender identity – but in many places a dramatic backlash by conservative forces has followed.

US: LGBTQ Clinics Sue Trump Administration Over Discrimination In Trans Health Care

The last few days have involved a bit of whiplash for people in the LGBTQ community. Today, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision. It ruled that protections against sex discrimination in employment cover people who are gay or transgender. But last Friday, the Trump administration issued a rule that asserts this - that sex discrimination in health care does not cover the discrimination of gay or transgender people - two branches of government saying pretty much opposite things. Here to help us explain all of this is NPR health policy reporter Selena Simmons-Duffin.

US: Lambda Legal Sues Trump Administration Over Anti-Transgender Health Care Rule

Today, Lambda Legal and Steptoe & Johnson LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published health care discrimination rule that purports to carve out LGBTQ people and other vulnerable populations from the protections of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, among other bases.

Poland: Most Poles reject the story of the dangerous LGBT ideology

“Do you agree with the opinion that LGBT is a dangerous ideology?" - we asked Polish people. It turns out that during a homophobic campaign, President Andrzej Duda lost more than he gained. He pushed the young away from him. Also Confederate voters. See the results of the Ipsos survey

US: Supreme Court LGBT Ruling Leaves Out 1 in 6 American Workers

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision holding that employers can’t discriminate against workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity has a glaring loophole: It doesn’t apply to small businesses that employ as many as one in six Americans.

UK: LGBT political group anger at trans law 'changes'

We write together as representatives of the LGBT+ Groups of seven political parties represented in Westminster. We stand together in our opposition to any proposal to place unnecessary restrictions on trans people, hindering their ability to live freely and without fear.

Romania: Parliament bans theories of gender identity. Reactions: from "thinking police" to "it's like the Middle Ages"

“When you tell me in an amendment to the Education Law that the identity between biological sex and gender should not be questioned, it means that you did not understand anything at all “

EU: The Polish President’s instrumentalization of LGBTI persons is a cheap attempt at political gain ahead of elections

It is distressing to see the Polish president joining the herd who has endlessly scapegoated LGBTI persons for the sake of holding onto power and galvanizing political support based on hatred.

OII Europe launches 2019 Good Practice Map

Today, 15th of June 2020, OII Europe is proud to present the Intersex Good Practice Map 2019. The Map features 8 examples of Good Practice from the areas of resolution, data collection, research, legal protection, campaigning, awareness raising, employment and funding by national governments and municipalities and the European Commission