World of Politics

Philippines: DOH ensures access of ARV drugs to PLHIV during enhanced community quarantine

People living with HIV(PLHIV) are assured medication and access to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs even in the midst of the imposition of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (EQC) to contain the spread of the infectious COVID-19.

US: Pompeo’s “Rights Commission” is Worse Than Feared: Part I

Human rights groups sued Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week in a bid to shut down his Commission on Unalienable Rights, a panel that was swiftly and widely criticized when it was set up in 2019 because of its clear anti-human rights agenda.

US: Idaho Legislature sends bill prohibiting transgender people from altering birth certificates to governor for approval

Idaho's Republican-controlled Legislature has sent a bill to the governor's desk that would effectively block transgender people in the state from changing the listed sex on their birth certificates to match their gender identity, despite a federal judge having before struck down a similar state ban.

Ireland: ‘This is the calm before the storm’ - Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s address to the nation

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has warned people across Ireland that the silence that has fallen across towns, cities and communities across Ireland is “the calm before the storm” in an extraordinary live address to the nation last night in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

US: Idaho Senate passes HB 500a, transgender athletes bill, on 24-11 vote

Today, HRC responded to the news that the Idaho Senate has passed HB 500, a discriminatory anti-transgender bill that would bar transgender women and girls from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity. It will undergo a few procedural votes before heading to Governor Brad Little for his signature.

UNAIDS welcomes government’s decision to make PrEP routinely available across England

UNAIDS warmly welcomes the decision made to make pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) available to everyone who needs it in England. Activists and advocates have been campaigning for a number of years to make the life-saving preventative HIV medicine available to people at higher risk of HIV and on 15 March the government announced that PrEP will be made available across the country as part of the government’s efforts to end HIV transmission by 2030.