World of Politics

US: 'Whiplash' Of LGBTQ Protections And Rights, From Obama To Trump

At the heart of a story now playing out in schools, workplaces and courts across the U.S. is a disagreement over the legal meaning of the word "sex" — and whether discrimination against gay and transgender people for being gay or transgender is sex discrimination.

Indonesia: Anti-LGBT, anti-S&M Family Resilience Bill unlikely to pass

The hugely controversial Family Resilience Bill, which has been widely criticized for its propositions to give authorities legal justification to invade the privacy of citizens (some in matters related to the sheets), is unlikely to pass into law, according to a lawmaker overseeing matters related to social welfare, religion, and the empowerment of women.

Indonesia’s ‘family resilience’ push by lawmakers ridiculed by women and activists

Islamic-based parties have initiated a bill that would force married women to not work, ‘rehabilitate’ LGBT individuals, and jail sperm and egg donors

Another politician proposed a decree requiring rich Indonesian men to marry poor women in a bid to reduce poverty

ILGA World releases extensive global research into laws banning the discredited practice of "conversion therapy"

States and health professionals across the world are speaking up against so-called ‘conversion therapies’.

Indonesia bill on family targets surrogacy, 'sexual deviations'

Politicians from four Indonesian parties are backing a so-called “Family Resilience” bill that would outlaw surrogacy and require LGBT people to seek treatment at rehabilitation centers, prompting outrage on social media and criticism from activists.