World of Politics

India: Transgender bill awaits presidential nod to become law but betrays the very community it aims to protect

The bill places an obligation on the government to take steps to rescue, protect, and rehabilitate transgender persons. The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019 does not protect transgender citizens of India instead leads the way to harm and dehumanisation of their lives.

Zambia: “Saying No To Homosexuality Does Not Mean We Are Primitive,” Zambian President

PRESIDENT EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU has frowned upon anyone who calls Zambia primitive for refusing to accept gay rights which he said was not the order of nature adding that it is unbiblical.

United Republic of Tanzania lowers age of consent for HIV testing

The United Republic of Tanzania has approved a change to the law that lowers the age of consent for HIV testing from 18 years to 15 years. The amendment to legislation also makes self-testing for HIV legal, also from the age of 15 years.

Japan: Japan’s Support for Gay Marriage Is Soaring. But Can It Become Law?

To a packed room, he described the anxiety he had felt as a young man, struggling to express his sexuality in Japan’s restrictive society. If the law is changed to allow same-sex marriage, he said, perhaps “we’ll make a society where the next generation doesn’t have to feel that way.”