World of Politics

Poland: Prison for sex education and contraception prescription

The Sejm will vote on the "Stop pedophilia" project on October 15. The project is aimed at sex educators who are threatened with up to three years in prison for teaching about human sexuality and erotic life. But not only them. Also authors and publishers of books or magazines for teenagers in which contraception and sex are discussed.

Australia: Questions about sexual orientation and gender identity dumped from census

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has ditched preparations to ask about sexual orientation and gender identity in the 2021 census, although a question whether people are male, female or non-binary is still under consideration.

New Zealand: One in six trans, non-binary people say a professional tried to change them

The statistic was revealed in Counting Ourselves - New Zealand's first comprehensive national study of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people.

Japan: Global Equality Caucus members meet in Tokyo to discuss LGBT+ priorities for Asia-Pacific region

Members of the Global Equality Caucus held a series of meetings in Tokyo last week (19-20 September 2019) with politicians from the Asia-Pacific region to highlight priorities for LGBT+ rights campaigns in their countries.