World of Politics

France: MPs approve IVF for lesbians, single women

To loud applause, France's lower house of parliament approved a controversial draft bioethics law in a move that has already sparked outrage from defenders of the traditional family unit, and even opponents in President Emmanuel Macron's own centrist party.

Poland deeply divided over LGBT rights

I’d like to apologize to the whole of Europe for the fact that scenes like this are happening here in the heart of Europe. That attitudes like this are making a comeback in Poland. I don’t understand it and I cannot accept it.

Guatemala: Collection of signatures continues against law that violates sexual rights

Thousands of people have already signed on the platform a petition to the Guatemalan Congress to reject the proposal of Law 5272, alleging that said draft is unconstitutional and violates human rights.

European Union: This is a critical time for the EU Commission to adopt a comprehensive LGBTI strategy

Europe is at a dangerous crossroads and that’s why this is a critical time for the Commission to adopt a comprehensive LGBTI strategy over the next five years, says ILGA-Europe, in advance of the Finnish Presidency conference on advancing LGBTI equality in the EU.