Sports and Culture

Australia: Just A Bunch Of Amazing Queer Black And Indigenous Artists To Support

Stonewall couldn’t have happened without Black and brown LGBTIQ folk, such as black trans activists, Marsha P Johnson and Miss Major. Black lives, Black LGBTIQ lives, always have and always will matter. Our community needs to remember this, and support them.

Filmmaker and Activist Tourmaline on How to Freedom Dream

The thing is, freedom dreaming isn’t just about the big things—the huge world changes that we are manifesting in our movements, like police and prison abolition, free universal healthcare, and gender self-determination for all.

Iraqi Media and the Spread of Anti-LGBT+ Rhetoric

To be sure, the media in Iraq does not take sole responsibility for the oppression of the Iraqi LGBT+ community. Many other factors, including the education system, political and social instability, and religious and tribal values, make it hard if not impossible for the LGBT+ community in Iraq to exist.

UK: Open letter to Boris Johnson from the Media Industry, in support of the trans community

“We, as a collective of organisations from the media and entertainment industry, are writing to express our support of the trans community.”

South Africa: Running Battle - Hope for Caster Semenya As UN Body Adopts Report On Discrimination in Sports

It was good news last week for 2016 Olympic gold medallist Caster Semenya and other female athletes fighting discrimination in the international sports arena. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released a South African-sponsored report in favour of the 'elimination of discrimination against women and girls in sport'.

UK: J.K. Rowling's bigotry is painful and maddening

Garrard Conley is an assistant professor of creative writing at Kennesaw State University. He is the author of the memoir "Boy Erased," adapted into a film of the same name. He is also the producer of Unerased: The History of Conversion Therapy in America. The views expressed here are the author's.

South Africa: Semenya Welcomes UN denouncing systemic discrimination in sport

Caster Semenya has welcomed the June 2020 report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights denouncing the systemic gender and race-based discrimination in international sport that she has suffered under for years.