Sports and Culture

Global Pride 2020: Exist, Persist, Resist

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on Pride organisations worldwide with hundreds of marches and events cancelled or postponed. Global Pride provides an opportunity for the LGBTI+ community around the world to come together and celebrate diversity and equality during these challenging times.

Daniel Radcliffe Responds to J.K. Rowling’s Tweets on Gender Identity

Daniel Radcliffe: “Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I. “

UK: The debate over the coronavirus 'sex ban' proves once again that we're obsessed with romantic relationships

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact of all kinds of human relationships. Single people have lost the physical presence of their entire support network, yet nobody is talking about other relationships that are strained

OHCHR: Threshold test on hate speech now available in 32 languages

A "practical and useful tool" in the fight against incitement to hatred and violence has been translated in 32 languages.

Indonesia: Recent cases of persecution set back LGBT rights advocacy in Indonesia

The public's selective attention to LGBT rights issues, including politicians who have sought to use such issues to gain public support, has only compounded the struggles the community faces in Indonesia, the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has said.