Sports and Culture

UK: My Pride Story: I’ve been at my firm 17 years – trainees are much more open now

I truly believe that the more time we can focus on doing a good job rather than worrying about editing ourselves or our conversations, the more happy and successful we will be in all aspects of our careers.

Venezuela: LGBTzuela: choosing between the tricolor and the rainbow flag

Above all, Venezuela is my country; my roots and my essence are there. I would love to return and feel the same liberty and solace that I feel here. But things have to change for me to return.

Germany: My Pride Story: Some people still think because I’m gay I’m a ‘soft litigator’

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” has always been one of my favourite mottos. So when asked for advice or conclusions with the benefit of hindsight I offer a fairly simple approach: whether you are a law student, an associate or a partner, be who you are, be visible and be proud of it!