School Days

Poland: Law criminalizing sexuality education “recklessly retrogressive”

“This recklessly retrogressive law would encourage fear and ignorance, putting young people at risk. Its impact would be felt well beyond the classroom, creating a chilling effect on teachers, activists and even on parents who want to talk to their children about sex.

Poland: Lawmakers vote for bill criminalizing 'promoting underage sex'

Protesters have argued that appropriate sex education is a necessary part of the school curriculum, and would meet the World Health Organization standards for Europe. The campaign "Stop Sexualization of Youth" has previously claimed that sex education "promotes sexual activity among the youth," according to the Wprost report.

Poland: Prison for sex education and contraception prescription

The Sejm will vote on the "Stop pedophilia" project on October 15. The project is aimed at sex educators who are threatened with up to three years in prison for teaching about human sexuality and erotic life. But not only them. Also authors and publishers of books or magazines for teenagers in which contraception and sex are discussed.

Dispelling the Myths About Sexuality Education

All girls and boys – and all women and men, for that matter – can benefit from comprehensive knowledge about safe sexual behavior. Yet opposition to sexuality education is loud, persistent, and widespread, often because critics lack an accurate understanding of what it entails.