School Days

Australia: Young Aboriginal LGBTI people are killing themselves. We need to protect them

Realising I’m gay was almost too much to bear through my teenage years, writes NITV journalist and IndigenousX host Allan Clarke. We need to stand up to homophobia

US: ‘Shame List’ Identifies 2017’s ‘Absolute Worst’ Schools for LGBTQ Students

Nearly 140 colleges across the country have been identified as the “absolute worst campuses” for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students by Campus Pride, a national organization that advocates for LGBTQ inclusivity and safety at U.S. colleges and universities.

US: ‘Trans Women Are Women’: Single-Gender Schools Revisit Admissions Policies

Spelman College, a historically black women’s institution in Atlanta, revised its admissions policy to include “students who consistently live and self-identify as women, regardless of their gender assignment at birth.”

US: During Back-to-School Season, Parents, Families and Individuals Send Support to Transgender Students

People across the country are coming together to share their stories and support transgender youth as they head back to school. Read several stories below of parents, children, professionals, and more providing insight into what it's like to head back to school as a transgender student.