Regarding Religion

Germany: "Catholic Church must reposition itself"

The way in which homosexuality is dealt with in the Catholic Church continues to cause controversy. Bishop Heinrich Timmerevers now wants to expand pastoral care for homosexuals and reduce prejudice in his diocese of Dresden-Meißen.

Vatican: Pope Francis to Parents of LGBT Children: ‘The Church Loves Your Children as They Are’

Pope Francis has received a group of Italian parents with LGBT children, who presented the pope with the Italian edition of a new book filled with the stories of such Catholic families. An English edition of the book is due to be released by New Ways Ministry in October.

Ecuador: Organizations announce collection of signatures to veto the Health Code

The National Front for the Family together with other civil society organizations and religious groups announced yesterday in Guayaquil the beginning of the collection of signatures and mobilizations to request the total presidential veto of the Organic Health Code (COS), a norm that was approved by the National Assembly, last Tuesday, August 25.

Poland: The bishops discuss "Ethical" vaccines, religion in schools, "sexual abuse of minors"

Religion at school, attitudes towards LGBT people, cases of pedophilia in the Polish Church, the COVID-19 crisis, firm opposition to domestic violence - these were some of the topics discussed at the 386th Plenary Meeting of the Polish Episcopal Conference. After the meeting, the bishops issued an announcement.

Hungary: Orban calls for central Europe to unite around Christian roots

Central European nations should unite to preserve their Christian roots as western Europe experiments with same-sex families, immigration and atheism, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Thursday.