Regarding Religion

South Africa: Moreleta Park discusses consummation of same-sex relationships

The Moreleta Park summit has issued the following press release following the fact that ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church can now apply to the Department of Home Affairs to confirm same-sex commitments.

Haiti: Worshipers demonstrate against the "immorality" of the new penal code

Published by presidential decree, the new law which penalizes discrimination based on sexual orientation angered thousands of demonstrators this Sunday in Port-au-Prince.

Haiti: Update from the authors of the new Penal Code

Following many criticisms and heated debates, Le Nouvelliste publishes below the defense produced by the former members of the Presidential Commission for the reform of justice. They are the authors of the new Penal Code. Masters Jean Joseph Exumé, Sibylle Théard Mevs, René Magloire, Jean Vandal, Williams Allonce, Florence Mathieu and Edwin Coq provide details on the context which gave birth to the code and on the text itself. This piece does not put an end to the exchanges but sheds a new light on them like any lawyer.

US: States Sue Trump Administration Over Rollback of Transgender Health-Care Protections

Twenty-four Democratic attorneys general challenge rule that drops inclusion of gender identity in definition of sex

Malaysia: Zulkifli ready to meet NGOs over LGBT-related issues

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri says he will meet with LGBT NGOs after previously calling on the Jawa to arrest and reeducate transgender people

Australia: Calls for PM to drop Religious Discrimination Bill after US ruling

Australian LGBTIQ+ advocates are calling on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ditch the Religious Discrimination Bill, following the US Supreme Court ruling to protect against workplace discrimination based on sexuality and gender identity.

Malaysia: Outcry as minister calls to arrest and ‘educate’ transgender people

Religious Affairs Minister Zulkifli Mohamad says he has given ‘full license’ to Islamic authorities to bring transgender people ‘back to the right path’. Activists criticize his words as ‘irresponsible’, saying they cast a further shadow on the new government’s human rights record