Regarding Religion

OHCHR: Threshold test on hate speech now available in 32 languages

A "practical and useful tool" in the fight against incitement to hatred and violence has been translated in 32 languages.

Costa Rica: Fabricio Alvarado Proposes Conscientious Objection Law Against Equal Marriage

After the approval of equal marriage in Costa Rica, the former presidential candidate for National Restoration and now secretary general of the New Republic Party, Fabricio Alvarado, announced that he will promote a bill to validate the right of "conscientious objection" against unions of persons of the same sex.

UN: Report on conversion therapy

The term “therapy”, derived from the Greek, denotes “healing”. However, practices of “conversion therapy” are the very opposite: they are deeply harmful interventions that rely on the medically false idea that LGBT and other gender diverse persons are sick, inflicting severe pain and suffering, and resulting in long-lasting psychological and physical damage.

US: Supreme Court Takes On Employment Bias at Religious Schools

The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday on how broadly federal employment discrimination laws apply to schools run by churches in two cases that will give the court another opportunity to rule on the proper relationship between church and state, a topic that has deeply engaged the justices.

Australia: LGBTQI Activists Call for Complete Review of Discrimination Act After Mark Latham Proposes Amendments

The NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) has identified significant existing flaws with the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (the Act) after NSW One Nation leader, Mark Latham proposed changes to the state’s anti-discrimination laws.

Turkey: “Targeting and Investigating Organizations That Criticize Hate Speech Against LGBTI+ Must Come to an End”

Solidarity Network for Human Rights Defenders – Turkey: We stand in solidarity with the LGBTI+ organizations and rights defenders that are threatened and face investigations.