Regarding Religion

UK: Statement from Archbishop Justin and Archbishop Sentamu following the College of Bishops Meeting

We as Archbishops, alongside the bishops of the Church of England, apologise and take responsibility for releasing a statement last week which we acknowledge has jeopardised trust. We are very sorry and recognise the division and hurt this has caused.

South Africa: Christian privilege | Court takes Beloftebos discrimination case

The owners of Beloftebos claim that they have a right to discriminate against same sex couples because their religious beliefs require them to do so. They are mistaken. This is why.

US: HRC Releases Annual State Equality Index Ratings

HRC Foundation and the Equality Federation Institute released their 6th annual State Equality Index (SEI), a comprehensive report detailing statewide laws and policies that affect LGBTQ people and their families and assessing how well states are protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination.

Council of Europe: The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the workplace

The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights recalls that the freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs also applies in the workplace and that any interference in this freedom must be proportionate to the legitimate aim being pursued.

Australia: Queensland religious groups fight move to make gay conversion therapy a crime

Religious schools and organisations are fighting a move by the Queensland government to make LGBT-related conversion therapy a crime in the state.

Church of England: Civil Partnerships – for same sex and opposite sex couples. A pastoral statement

In the light of this understanding the Church of England teaches that “sexual intercourse, as an expression of faithful intimacy, properly belongs within marriage exclusively" (Marriage: a teaching document of the House of Bishops, 1999). Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purposes for human beings.

US: Supreme Court will review religious health care exemptions

In a move that LGBT legal activists see as “deeply worrisome,” the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday (January 17) said it will review two appeals in which the Trump administration is seeking to make it much easier for employers to exclude health insurance coverage for some medical procedures by saying such procedures violate their religious beliefs or moral conscience.

US: ACLU Comment on Proposed Regulations on Religious Freedom

The regulations also would make it more difficult for some individuals to access critical social services funded by the government.

US: Administration moves to protect prayer in public schools and federal funds for religious organizations

The White House announced it is proposing to ease restrictions on religious groups that provide social services