Regarding Religion

Attack the OAS: Inside the ultra-conservative war on the Inter-American human rights system

Since 2013, this system has been under increasing pressure from internationally-connected, conservative lobby groups and states.

US: Multiple Dioceses Challenge Anti-LGBTQ Non-Discrimination Protections in Adoption, Foster Care Services

Catholic dioceses in Texas and Pennsylvania are challenging anti-LGBTQ non-discrimination protections tied to government funding of adoption and foster care services, protections that the Trump administration seeks to gut at the federal level.

St Vincent and the Grenadines: Judge allows churches to join SVG’s buggery case

High Court Judge Justice Esco Henry, on Wednesday, ruled to allow 10 churches calling themselves the Christian Coalition to join the Government in responding to the constitutional challenge to the buggery and gross indecency laws in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

US: Bishops need to stand up for LGBT rights

Chronicle readers may remember that in early October, the U.S. Supreme Court took up three cases regarding workplace protection for LGBT employees. The issue is whether sexual orientation and gender identity should be included in the definition of the word “sex” in federal civil rights law.