Politics of Union

South Africa: Moreleta Park discusses consummation of same-sex relationships

The Moreleta Park summit has issued the following press release following the fact that ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church can now apply to the Department of Home Affairs to confirm same-sex commitments.

Cayman Islands: Governor imposing DP bill, not same-sex marriage

Governor Martyn Roper will push through the Domestic Partnership Bill, which was defeated in the Legislative Assembly last week, rather than legislation giving full marriage equality for same-sex couples. Roper will be imposing the law through his Reserved Powers under section 81 of the Constitution and not by an order-in-council directly from the UK. The governor said it was a position he had not wanted to be in but he had no choice because he must uphold the law.

Cayman Islands: Domestic Partnership bill to come into law in September

Governor Martyn Roper will use his powers under section 81 of the constitution to assent to the recently defeated Domestic Partnership Bill and expects the law to be enacted by the beginning of next month, according to a statement released by the Governor’s Office.

Russia: Will “Strengthening the Family” Laws Hit Human Rights?

Supporters believe the new laws will help protect families and traditional traditions. But a number of experts believe that laws on "strengthening the family" will turn into infringement of the rights of its members, untie the hands of tyrants in the home and harm LGBT people.