Let the Courts Decide

Poland: What next with the Constitutional Tribunal Act on Abortion?

The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal tightening the abortion law has still not been published. Politicians connected with the ruling camp do not agree on the date of publication.

US: Supreme Court takes up religious freedom, anti-gay discrimination laws in Philadelphia foster care case

The dispute is the first of this term's blockbuster cases to be heard with Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the court.

US: Citizenship of Children of Married Same-Sex Couples Is Secure After U.S. Department of State Folds Following Mounting Court Losses

Two key legal victories on behalf of married same-sex couples and their children became final after the U.S. State Department withdrew arguments. In both cases, federal district courts found the U.S. Department of State’s refusal to recognize the U.S. citizenship of the children born abroad to two married same-sex, U.S. citizen couples to be unlawful.

US: The Human Rights Campaign: Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation is a Sham, Threatens LGBTQ Equality

The Human Rights Campaign released the following statement following the final Senate vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Algeria: Mass Convictions for Homosexuality

An Algerian court on September 3, 2020 sentenced 2 men to prison terms and 42 others to suspended terms after mass arrests at what the police alleged was a “gay wedding,” Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should void the charges and release them immediately.