Let the Courts Decide

US: Lambda Legal Sues Trump Administration Over Anti-Transgender Health Care Rule

Today, Lambda Legal and Steptoe & Johnson LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published health care discrimination rule that purports to carve out LGBTQ people and other vulnerable populations from the protections of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, among other bases.

Uganda: High Court rules in favor of 19 arrested LGBT youth

The civil division of the High Court, on 17th June 2020, delivered its final ruling in the main application filed by Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) challenging the refusal of by prisons’ authorities to allow the #COSF19 access to their legal representation.

US: Supreme Court LGBT Ruling Leaves Out 1 in 6 American Workers

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision holding that employers can’t discriminate against workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity has a glaring loophole: It doesn’t apply to small businesses that employ as many as one in six Americans.

Russia: St. Petersburg City Court sided with a transgender woman

The St. Petersburg City Court has ruled in favor of a transgender woman, Anastasia Vasilyeva, who was fired from her job at a printing press after she changed the gender marker in her official identification documents. Vasilyeva’s former employer must now pay her more than 1.85 million rubles (approximately $26,500) in damages, reports the LGBTQ rights group “Vykhod” (Exit).

US: In Historic Win With Shock Majority, Supreme Court Rules It’s Illegal to Fire Employees for Being Gay or Trans

There is no question that Congress did not have gay or trans people in mind when the law was passed. So from an ideological point of view, the case presented a conflict between two conservative judicial philosophies: textualism (what the words on the page actually say) and originalism (what the writers of the law meant).

Chile: Fundación Iguales achieves for the first time the legal recognition of two lesbian mothers

For the first time in Chile, a court declares that a family made up of two women who participated in an assisted reproduction technique must be legally recognized as mothers of their child. With this, the child has the recognition and protection of the same rights that children born in heterosexual families enjoy.

Panorama of the legal recognition of gender identity in the Americas

The American continent is characterized by being the most violent region towards people with Non-normative gender identities in the world. These cycles of violence, present in all areas of life of trans people, are intermingled with high levels of discrimination and stigmatization, resulting in lack of access to their civil, political, economic, social rights, cultural and environmental.