Let the Courts Decide

US: Aimee Stephens, the center of landmark transgender rights Supreme Court case, dies before the ruling

For the better part of the past decade, Aimee Stephens was fighting two battles: one against kidney disease, and another that went to the Supreme Court, a potential landmark case over her 2013 firing after coming out to her boss as transgender.

US: Supreme Court Takes On Employment Bias at Religious Schools

The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday on how broadly federal employment discrimination laws apply to schools run by churches in two cases that will give the court another opportunity to rule on the proper relationship between church and state, a topic that has deeply engaged the justices.

US: Trump’s taxes, birth control and ‘faithless electors’ headline Supreme Court’s historic phone arguments

During historic telephonic arguments this week and next, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up major challenges involving access to President Donald Trump’s financial records, birth control health insurance, “faithless electors” in presidential elections and the constitutionality of the federal ban on robocalls, among others.

Turkey: “Targeting and Investigating Organizations That Criticize Hate Speech Against LGBTI+ Must Come to an End”

Solidarity Network for Human Rights Defenders – Turkey: We stand in solidarity with the LGBTI+ organizations and rights defenders that are threatened and face investigations.

US: In 2 cases that await Supreme Court decision, the stakes are enormous for LGBTQ employee protection

While COVID-19 has our full attention, two cases with potentially disastrous consequences for the LGBTQ community sit in the U.S. Supreme Court like a ticking bomb.

Australia: ACL backs Christian doctor Jereth Kok suspended for offensive social media posts

The Australian Christian Lobby have begun campaigning for Dr Jereth Kok, a Melbourne GP suspended for social media posts appearing to endorse “racial and religious violence and genocide” and “demeaning” views against gay and transgender people.

Australia: Melbourne Doctor Suspension Upheld for Social Media Posts Targeting LGBTQI, “endorsing Genocide”

Can a medical practitioner, or for that matter any professional, who airs denigrating or biased views on social media, be expected to provide appropriate treatment, care, or service to persons or communities they target?