Let the Courts Decide

Turkey: The second blanket ban on LGBTI+ events in Ankara has also been lifted!

The second indefinite ban on LGBTI+ activity was lifted in Ankara, which was declared by the document submitted to the Police by the Governor's Office in 2018. The governor's office was unable to provide the court with any concrete documents relating to the justification for the ban.

These South Korean women went abroad to get married. Then one spoke out at home, and the backlash began.

Kim Kyu-jin doesn't describe herself as an activist. That's a label that tends to scare people in South Korea's conformist society. She sees herself as just a working woman who wanted to get married to the person she loves.

US: Lawsuit: HHS Refuses to Enforce Anti-Discrimination Rules, Leaving LGBTQ Community Vulnerable Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Lambda Legal and Democracy Forward filed a lawsuit on behalf of three organizations serving vulnerable populations — Family Equality, True Colors United, and SAGE — against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Tunisia: LGBTQ association achieves major legal milestone

In a first for Tunisia and the Arab world, Shams, an association founded in early 2015 to defend LGBTQ rights, was granted legal protection in a ruling handed down Feb. 21 by Tunisia's Court of Cassation following the state's attempts to shut down the organization.

US: State agrees to ignore law on gay relationships in sex ed

South Carolina education officials have agreed not to enforce part of their own state law that bans sex education teachers from mentioning any relationships other than heterosexual ones — unless the talk involves sexually transmitted diseases.

Barbados: Regional approach to decriminalising homosexuality

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) advocates in Barbados are working closely with their counterparts in Trinidad and Tobago to prove that changes to the country’s “discriminatory” laws could result in real and tangible benefits for members of the community.