Let the Courts Decide

Japan: Tokyo court rules same-sex common-law couple has marriage legal protections

In an apparent first high court ruling of its kind, a same-sex common-law couple in Japan has been recognized as having the same legal protections as a married couple, after the Tokyo High Court ruled in favor of a woman who sued her former same-sex partner for damages over infidelity at an appeal decision on March 4.

Hong Kong: 'HK should review laws relating to same-sex couples'

The government is being urged to review laws relating to the recognition of same-sex couples after the High Court ruled that it was wrong for the Housing Authority to reject a public housing application from a same-sex couple.

ILGA World releases extensive global research into laws banning the discredited practice of "conversion therapy"

States and health professionals across the world are speaking up against so-called ‘conversion therapies’.

US: Justices to take up case involving faith-based adoption agencies and same-sex couples

Next term the justices will hear oral argument in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, a challenge by several foster parents and Catholic Social Services to the city’s policy of cutting off referrals of foster children to CSS for placement because the agency would not certify same-sex couples as foster parents.