Let the Courts Decide

Croatia: LGBTI Persons Will Demand Right to Adopt Children

The decision of the Administrative Court to annul earlier decisions rejecting the requests of life partners Ivo Šegota and Mladen Kozic to become foster children is a historic moment and the first step towards full equality of LGBTI persons in Croatia. Now comes the fight for the right to adopt children and the right to medically assisted fertilization for lesbian couples.

Russia: Feminist activist fined for “gay propaganda” and facing criminal “pornography” charges

Yulia is the latest target of a long-running discriminatory and intensely homophobic campaign. She has suffered one blow after another, having been arbitrarily detained, interrogated and intimidated on multiple occasion

Russia: Feminist Activist Faces Six Years In Prison On Pornography Charge

Yulia Tsvetkova, a feminist activist in the Far Eastern city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, has been placed under house arrest for two months, ordered to wear an ankle bracelet, and barred from communicating with anyone except her mother and her lawyer.

Attack the OAS: Inside the ultra-conservative war on the Inter-American human rights system

Since 2013, this system has been under increasing pressure from internationally-connected, conservative lobby groups and states.

Russia: LGBT Activist Charged With Pornography, Gay Propaganda

Authorities in Far East Russia have charged a feminist and LGBT activist with distributing “gay propaganda” days after she was named a suspect in a criminal pornography case, her lawyer told the sibreal.org news website.

Zambia: “Saying No To Homosexuality Does Not Mean We Are Primitive,” Zambian President

PRESIDENT EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU has frowned upon anyone who calls Zambia primitive for refusing to accept gay rights which he said was not the order of nature adding that it is unbiblical.

Zambia: 15-year prison sentences ‘shocked the world’

The 15-year prison sentences imposed this week on a gay Zambian couple are a shocking miscarriage of justice, African gay-rights activists declare. The U.S. ambassador to Zambia agreed, saying that the sentences harm the country’s international reputation and perpetuate discrimination.