Let the Courts Decide

Iraq: How A Housepainter And An Army Widow Led The Secret Fight To Save LGBT People From ISIS

One is the son of a communist who smuggled messages in kebabs for party members. The other is an army widow whose husband was killed by al-Qaeda. Together they want to convince the world that targeting LGBT people is a crime against humanity.

US: ‘Gay Panic’ Defenses Are Banned in N.Y. Murder Cases

Since as early as the 1960s, defense lawyers have introduced the idea that people accused of murdering lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people had acted in a state of temporary insanity caused and justified by their victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

US: Supreme Court Won’t Rule on Clash Between Another Bakery and a Gay Couple

In their petition seeking review in the Oregon case, the bakery’s lawyers said hearing their appeal would allow the justices to answer the question left open last year. “It squarely presents the constitutional questions that the court did not answer in Masterpiece Cakeshop,” they wrote.

Brazil: Senate says it respects STF ruling on homophobia, but refutes accusation of omission

Manifestation was disclosed by the advisor of the president of the House, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP). In a judgment on Thursday, the Supreme Court authorized the criminalization of homophobia.