Let the Courts Decide

US: LGBT+ advocates sue U.S. government over healthcare 'conscience rule'

LGBT+ advocates filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to block a rule the U.S. government said will allow medical professionals to act according their consciences, but that critics said could deny care to those in need.

US: ACLU Responds to Proposed Changes to Health Care Rights Law

The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a change to the Health Care Rights Law, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, today in an attempt to roll back non-discrimination protections for transgender and nonbinary people, as well as all women and other communities historically marginalized in health care.

Kenya: Bachelet dismayed by Kenyan High Court Decision upholding criminal sanctions for same-sex relations

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Friday expressed her disappointment at the decision of the High Court of Kenya to uphold a ban on consensual, same-sex relations between adults that dates back to the colonial-era.

UNAIDS deeply regrets the decision of the High Court of Kenya to maintain laws that criminalize and discriminate against LGBT people

UNAIDS deeply regrets the decision of the High Court of Kenya to maintain key provisions of Sections 162 and 165 of the Kenyan Penal Code. Those provisions criminalize certain private sexual acts and lead to discrimination and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Kenya.