From the UN

UN: Report on conversion therapy

The term “therapy”, derived from the Greek, denotes “healing”. However, practices of “conversion therapy” are the very opposite: they are deeply harmful interventions that rely on the medically false idea that LGBT and other gender diverse persons are sick, inflicting severe pain and suffering, and resulting in long-lasting psychological and physical damage.

Argentina: “I don’t want to die of COVID-19, but I’m starving, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep on taking my ARVs for HIV”

The Americas Volunteer Strategy was born in the days of COVID-19. An initiative launched by Marcela and her colleagues from the MLCM+ with the support of the UNAIDS office for the Southern Cone, which to date is present in 17 countries in the region, with 850 volunteers, and more than 3,000 requests for help.

UNAIDS urges governments to ensure that HIV service providers from community-led organizations are recognized as essential service providers in the context of COVID-19

Community-led organizations are providing a lifeline to underserved, marginalized and hard-to-reach populations around the world.

UNAIDS calls on governments to stop arbitrary and discriminatory arrests of LGBTI people and to protect their human rights

Ahead of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), on 17 May, UNAIDS is calling on governments to immediately stop arbitrary and discriminatory arrests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity and to enact laws to protect their human rights.

UNAIDS calls on Hungary to respect the rights of transgender people

Both international and European human rights bodies have affirmed the right of people to legally change their gender and name to match their gender identity, recognizing that the right is fundamental to the enjoyment of many other rights. UNAIDS is therefore concerned that the Government of Hungary is proposing to remove the right of the people of Hungary to legally change their gender on legal documents.

UNAIDS: The response to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean must respect the human rights of Trans identities and all gender expressions.

UNAIDS and REDLACTRANS call on governments and partners to protect, support and respect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people during the response to COVID-19. During the pandemic, the latter may be in a particularly vulnerable situation, as well as those living with compromised immune systems, including some people with HIV and AIDS.

UNAIDS urges countries to stay focused on HIV prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic

Overstretched health systems, lockdowns, loss of livelihoods and fewer employment opportunities could increase unprotected sex, sexual violence and exploitation, transactional sex and sex work, leading to an increase in new HIV infections