From the UN

The African Union and UNAIDS, as Chair of the H6 partnership, join forces to tackle sexual and gender-based violence and health in humanitarian crises

Action-based partnership to support women and girls announced by health and political leaders at a high-level event at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

In the present report, the Independent Expert examines the process of abandoning the classification of certain forms of gender as a pathology and the full scope of the duty of the State to respect and promote respect of gender recognition as a component of identity. He also highlights some effective measures to ensure respect of gender identity and provides guidance to States on how to address violence and discrimination based on gender identity.

Stopping violence to reduce HIV risk and mental health issues among sexual and gender minorities in South Asia

Men who have sex with men and transwomen face higher HIV and health risks as well as negative impacts on their mental health due to violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE). To stop this violence, there needs to be a better understanding of it, to know what is happening and why.

Implementing the Action plan for sexual and reproductive health – how policies can make a real difference

When national and regional experts in sexual and reproductive health from 21 countries met in Stockholm, Sweden, on 30–31 August 2018, a success story from Portugal illustrated how policy changes in this area can make a huge difference.

Thailand: National workshop calls for new standards to manage transgender inmates and combat sexual harassment in prisons

 Findings of a recent internal review shows that transgender inmates continue to experience unequal treatment, challenges in accessing basic services, as well as sexual harassment by other  inmates.

UNAIDS welcomes ground-breaking decision by India’s Supreme Court that strikes down law criminalizing LGBTI people

UNAIDS welcomes the decision of the Supreme Court of India to annul key provisions of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 377 criminalizes sexual relations between lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.