Fear and Loathing

Chile: Murders and beatings of men who make dates with other men through apps on the rise

El Movilh pointed out that in less than a year 4 people have been killed and about 15 beaten, in a context where 84.9% of homo / bisexual men acknowledge that they agree to dates with other men through applications. The last fatal victim was Miguel Arenas Rodríguez, murdered in Colina The family, together with the Movih, are preparing a complaint

US: Christian groups spent $280m fighting LGBT+ rights, abortion overseas

Right-wing U.S. groups have put more than $280 million into campaigns against LGBT+ rights and abortion worldwide since 2007, almost $90 million of which focused on Europe

US: For transgender activists, election stokes hopes and fears

Among transgender-rights activists, there’s a powerful mix of hope and fear heading toward the Nov. 3 election. They’re yearning for President Donald Trump’s defeat but dreading the possibility that his administration might win four more years and continue targeting them with hostile policies.

US: The Human Rights Campaign: Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation is a Sham, Threatens LGBTQ Equality

The Human Rights Campaign released the following statement following the final Senate vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States.