Fear and Loathing

Belarus: Fighting for democracy — and LGBTQ rights

In Belarusian (as well as Russian and Ukrainian), pidor means “faggot.” It’s a derogatory word. I know I should use the term “queer” instead — that’s the politically correct word used worldwide. But in homophobic Belarus, except among the most privileged part of the LGBTQ community, “queer” doesn’t mean anything.

US: One quarter of young adults contemplated suicide during pandemic

One in four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 say they've considered suicide in the past month because of the pandemic, according to new CDC data that paints a bleak picture of the nation's mental health during the crisis.

Barbados tells bosses it’s OK to fire trans workers without cause

The Barbados House of Assembly passed the Employment (Protection from Discrimination) Bill 2020 (EPD). Although noble in name, this piece of legislation actually entrenched the exclusion of trans people.

Poland: Statement of the Commissioner for Human Rights after the events of August 7 in Warsaw

As the Ombudsman, I observed with great concern the events that took place yesterday evening (August 7, 2020) in Krakowskie Przedmieście against people protesting in connection with the temporary arrest of an activist from the "Stop Bzdurom" group.