Fear and Loathing

Burkina Faso: «On est loin d’envisager une gay pride au Burkina Faso»

A report, published the following year by independent researchers , the Afrobarometer, even ranks Burkina Faso among the three African countries most intolerant towards homosexuals. "The vast majority of the population is against us, especially religious and customary chiefs,"continues Marcel. Yet homosexuality has always existed here. "

Northern Ireland: How uncomfortable conversations can save lives

In 2014, aged 24, McKee wrote to her teenage self about being gay, her future in journalism, and being happy

South Korea: Gay soldiers trapped in legal bind

Same-sex acts are legal for South Korean civilians, although homosexual people live largely under the radar as it remains a conservative society, influenced by evangelical Christianity but the military has strict laws on what is allowed. 

Indonesia: LGBT communities viewed as a moral threat – condemned by religion and, increasingly, by law

The Muslim-majority nation is using a pornography law to target LGBT people, with public humiliation a ritual punishment. HIV epidemic feared as homosexual stigma forces many to go ‘underground’, with as much as half of the infected population undiagnosed

West sends Brunei into China’s arms with outrage over its anti-gay sharia laws

As oil reserves run out, Brunei looks to China to back critical development projects as it faces Western censure over sharia laws many say are only for show

At the same time, predominantly-Muslim nation is using the tough laws to shore up support from a populace facing rising unemployment

Brunei defends gay sex death penalty as more for 'prevention than to punish'

Brunei said new laws imposing the death penalty for gay sex and adultery were designed more for “prevention than to punish” in response to the United Nations’ condemnation of the measures.

Statement by Equal Rights Coalition on the situation in Brunei

The undersigned members of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC) express profound dismay at the decision of Brunei to fully implement its revised Penal Code.